Additional developers are always welcome on the DScaler project!
DScaler is released under the GNU Public License. This means that you are free to make changes to the source and make it do all the things you want it to.
Getting Started
To get started on DScaler development browse through the source for the most recent public release and check out some of the documents linked below and then introduce yourself to the developers mailing list.
The list is the best place to answer questions as the program is such that no one person understands everything that goes on.
What tools do I need?
The source compiles under MS Visual Studio 2005 and above, you will also need the Plaform SDK installed. To compile the drivers you will need the latest DDK from here.
Essential Reading
Mark Rejhon's 3:2 Pulldown Algorithm specification. This forms the basis for the 3:2 pulldown detection routine currently in DScaler.
Getting Latest Source Code
The code for this project is held in a Subversion server at SourceForge. To get the latest version of the code you will need to have a copy of Subversion on your machine. The easiest way of getting started if you have not used Subversion is to use TortoiseSVN, and this is probably the easiest way of setting things up.
Once you have installed Subversion make sure that the svn.exe is in your path.
To get the latest source goto the directory below where you wish to extract the source and type:
svn co https://deinterlace.svn.sourceforge.net:/svnroot/deinterlace/Trunk
This will get all the latest source for all our projects from the server.
Updating your local copy
Before starting any work on the source make sure you have the latest copy of the source by going into the tree to either the DScaler or Deinterlace directory and typing:
svn update
This will update your copy of the code with all the latest changes
Creating a Patch
OK so you've got the latest source and you want to add a new feature or fix a bug, what do you do?
The best way to supply changes to the project is to supply a patch, this lists the changes you have made in a compact way and allows the team to examine the change before adding it into the next version.
To create a patch type:
svn diff > ..\patch.txt
You can post patch files Here. Also you should notify the mailing list about your patch explaining what you've done. Your patch will be reviewed before being committed to SVN.
You will make the project admins very happy if you have read and kept to the project coding standards
I want to make a big change or join the project properly
We are usually happy to take new developers on board the project, join the mailing list and talk about your ideas, we would love to hear from you.
If you are invited to join the project you will need to set yourself up as a user on SourceForge here and let the list know your id.
Sourceforge Project Developer Links
Deinterlace Project Developer Resources
Conexant's Bt 8x8 register tools for Windows 9x.
BT848 Links
bttv - Linux Driver - Without this none of this would have been possible
FreeBSD bt848 Driver Project
Sound Links
This FTP site contains documents on the MSP sound chips and Phillips and Temic tuners that would be useful for anyone looking to improve these areas. I only recently found this site and have had a quick look and found that most of the information you need should be buried in this lot.